Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Bel Canto

Written by: Ann Patchett
Contributed by: Heather

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1 comment:

wren said...

Hey all,
I just wanted to write and say that I heard Ann Patchett speak last night in Pittsburgh. Even though she is currently touring for her new book, "Run," she is asked the most questions about "Bel Canto," because that (and "Truth and Beauty") are the books of hers that people have read most recently.

She specifically addressed the epilogue of "Bel Canto," because 75% of her fan base seems to hate it--but really, she says, they hate the penultimate chapter and how things end for several characters. They blame their disappointment, then, on the epilogue. Misplaced anger (but still mad at the author). And then 25% of them realize that the epilogue is then what makes the book not just good, but a great book.

Here is her rationale for the epilogue: when people go through an experience that is close-to-death-close-to-life, the only others who understand that are those who lived it with them in the circumstance. There is a special bond between those people that only they understand. Hence, the epilogue...

I feel as if my explanation has not done her rationale justice. That I have just distilled it down to an explanation, whereas, the way she spoke it, we lived her rationale with her. I am sorry my words fail.

At any rate, you can view other quotes from her speech here: http://reneepilgrim.blogspot.com/2007/10/another-author-visit.html

Happy Reading!