Wednesday, November 02, 2005

It's that time again...

Hi all...I thought I would do this instead of waiting for Heather. It's time to switch books again. In case you were curious, Renee has joined us by reading the books when they go through my hands. (Though there are clear stipulations about reading them and having them disappear while I am in the midst of them.) I'm sure she'll have a good book to add during our next round as well. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on another book that will justify a bit more procrastination on the never ending thesis...

Thursday, September 08, 2005


oh. it's that time.
switch your books.

although, since like, allison, suz and heather are the only people who ever read this site (besides drew, who doesn't count), i'll have to send an email anyways.

next up for me is 'the time traveler's wife'! woohoo! i am excited!

Monday, August 29, 2005

No More Spam!

Hey everyone! In an effort to reduce the number of spam comments we've been getting recently (unless, of course, someone was interested in some contraband Cialis or Viagra), I've changed the comment settings on our blog. There's now a quick "word verification" step before you post your comment, and only registered bloggers will be able to comment...we all are, so there should be no problem. Any questions, e-mail Suz.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Per Your Request.

Okay! Guess what...our site is new and improved! Woohoo!

In order to have book discussions in the way we are, the blog is not a very helpful medium, since everything tends to lay itself out chronologically.

So--flexing my axons and dendrites of creativity, I have created a posting for every book, and made a link to each posting's permanent location on the Sidebar. Meaning--if you want to discuss a certain book, click where it says "Discuss Book" under the Title and Author on the Right Hand Side of the Page, and it will take you to the comments for that book. You can continue to post comments on this spot for the next two years without having to hunt the post up in the archive.

Make sense?

It will be assumed that clicking on "Discuss Book" means you're opening yourself up to spoiling the plot, so if you want to save the discussion until you've completed the book, that's what I'd recommend.

Any more questions or requests? Let me know.

Brick Lane

Life of Pi

The Eyre Affair


Safely Home

Blood Brothers

Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood

A Grain of Wheat

The Shadow of the Wind

Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China

The Time Traveler's Wife

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

3 days

I just finished the Shadow of the Wind in 3days!! It pulled me in like crazy!! I absolutely could not put it down. There was so much I enjoyed about it that I can't really write for those of you who haven't read it. I know we discussed this once but how about setting up a post for each book that only those who have read it will visit. a little bleak now but loads of fun once we get further in. I just desperately want to discuss it. In fact, Chris and I read it to each other over our whole 16 hour drive back from Phoenix and he can't wait to read the rest of it.
By the way, I love the links to our books that you added HMB, it's great for buying them if we want and adding them to our personal collection. But those reveiews give the story away so watch out everyone.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Missionary Dating.

I think you should all buy a shirt from this site:

Date to Save

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


"Just the knowledge that a good book is awaiting one at the end of a long day makes that day happier."
- Kathleen Norris (1880 - 1966)

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Suzanne Page! I heard you were engaged!!!! I found out a few weeks ago from the lovely Lynn Kenny, but seeing your blog reminded me... So sorry about the breach of your privacy on this oh-so-public blog, but I had to express my elation :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Hello wonderful ladies. Before I begin, I want to say that I realize that this post is sort of a stretch for this blog, but it has to do with where I will be reading the next book I receive, so that is my justifiation.

I leave for Benin on May 17 for just under 8 weeks for my research. I'll be sending out (through a friend, another cool Heather), updates about my travels. These will begin shortly before I leave. If you should happen to want to receive these updates, please send an email my way saying so.

So...the next book I receive shall be well travelled and will likely have some good ol' African dirt on it when you receive it. Hope you are all having a good spring.

Suz's Haiku Challenge

Hey there, ladies! Inspired by a book I came across while working at B&N the other day and prompted by my own fondness for haiku, I would like to present to our little book club SUZ'S HAIKU CHALLENGE.

To refresh your memory, haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that consists of 3 lines and 17 syllables, 5-7-5. What is the challenge? Upon finishing each of your book club selections, take a few minutes (in the shower, driving to work, letting your pedicure dry, etc.) and condense that great tome down into 17 syllables. The haiku can be humorous or profound--however you feel moved. This might seem a little difficult or even a little ridiculous at first, but I was just thinking how much fun it would be to compare our haikus on each book at the end of the circuit. It's also a handy way of helping yourself recall what each book was about, enabling you to sound really intelligent in social settings.

My first thought was to have everyone post their haiku on this blog or record their haiku on a page that travels with the book, but as the haikus could very well serve as spoilers, I had to nix those ideas. So, at this point, if you're up to the challenge (come on, it'll be fun!) please compose a haiku as you finish your first selection and save it in a safe place. If you don't trust yourself to not lose your haikus before this is all over, you can e-mail them to me and I'll compile them.

Need a little inspiration? Well, I'd share mine with you, but that would pretty much spoil all the suspense of my book, so I'll share a couple favorites from the book that inspired this endeavor, Haiku U: 100 Great Books in 17 syllables.

Pride & Prejudice
Single white lass seeks
landed gent for marriage, whist.
No parsons, thank you.

Wuthering Heights
Wild. Strange. A bit damp.
Heathcliff waits for Cathy's ghost.
Women. Always late.

The Scarlet Letter
Grimy, gray New England--
all adulterers receive
free mongramming.

Let the finger counting begin!

Monday, April 25, 2005


I'm so excited to join "better than oprah," so thanks to Heather for letting me invite myself! I think I'm going to throw Brick Lane by Monica Ali into the I hope people like it!

Oh, and I have not read more books than Harold Bloom. On the other hand, I expect he probably wouldn't properly respect a book like Bridget Jones's Diary...

In eager anticipation for the beginning of May, when I will get my first book...

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

am writing on blog

this is purely for the satisfaction of heather m i am...logged on and writing in a blog! reading my current book club book "Eyre Affair" sounds sad that in last two weeks have read total of zero pages of any fictional literature. but i am on page 50 and WILL finish book! love to all!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Two more weeks!

You have two more weeks to finish your first book club book! So get cracking!!

AND--we are adding a new member for Rotation #2--my friend Hannah, who has read more books than Harold Bloom.

Friday, April 01, 2005

dressing emotions

So, I spent most of Tuesday ruing my decision to make myself a salad the night before as my body did everything in its power to rid itself of the dressing that I had found so innocently lying in wait in my refrigerator. Evil dressing. Nevertheless, food poisoning does open up quite a lot of time for reading, so I made it through about the first 50 pages of my book (Silence), not including the Introduction and Prologue I had read in an earlier sitting. Note to future readers of this book: I highly recommend the Intro and Prologue.

Why? Because without them I would feel even more ignorant than I already did. So far this book has evoked in me a spectrum of feelings: ignorance of world (and in this case, Japanese) history; shock and sadness at the ways in which the Japanese Christians of that day (mid 1600s) were persecuted; anger at the "missionary" attitude of the Portuguese priests and the emptiness of religious ritual apart from truth and relationship; and curiosity at the fact that apparently there is a Japanese phrase used by a 17th century Portuguese priest most closely translated into English as "helter-skelter." Now that I have gotten into my book, I am greatly intrigued as to how it will all turn out, and what emotion I will feel next.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

My book has arrived..

Just yesterday, my book finally arrived via Media Mail...I stormed into my apartment, ripped open the envelope, and thrust my book towards the high heavens, crying out, "Praise you LORD, for the book club."

Then I immediately tossed it only my stack of unread books, where it would have to wait until morning to be touched.

This morning, I read ten of its bright, crisp pages, and my heart was all a-flutter...I thought--" a part of something very wonderful in the reading of this book."

I am curious, what emotions you have experienced at the first arrival of YOUR book?

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


The Ides of, well, you know...

Monday, March 14, 2005

Escape with Jane

G'morning ladies! I'm finally back in the office and am up to my ears in e-mail, voice mail, and regular old mail that piled up in my absence. So what do I do? Make myself some tea and check our blog. (I consider it a mental health moment before plunging into the day's tasks.)

Anywho, while I'm here, I wanted to alert those of you who are devoted fans of Jane (as in Austen) of a sweepstakes through A&E (the distributors of the lovely 5-hour P&P film) to win a trip to Jane Austen's England. [Allison, I can see you rolling your eyes, partly because this involves Jane (whom I was shocked to learn yesterday that you have never actually read--GASP!) and partly because it's a drawing, but you know better than anyone here that somebody has to win, and oddly enough, it's often me!]

So, if anyone else would like to tempt the odds, click here . (You can enter once daily, if you're really excited about it.)

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Sunday night blues

So, you know how the weekend sometimes feels like it should be three days instead of two?? That's how I feel right now... I just got together with some delightful people, whom most of you know... Heather Carlson, Angie Qualey, Zachary Moir, and The Barretts. They are all well, I am happy to report...
Janelle, I am loving the Ya-yas... I find myself thinking about the story as if it were really going on, and I am missing something when I'm not reading it :)
I personally think we are très charmantes to have started such a thing as a book club, which is in my opinion absolument divin and très Ya-ya... :) You will appreciate all that in time.... When the Ya-yas get to you...
In the meantime, think pretty pink and blue thoughts, and have yourselves a good night...

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Spring Break

I am beginning Spring Break, at least as a state of mind, at this very moment. I can't wait to dig into my book!! WHee! HMB- this blog could be dangeorus you know, in addition to thinking we are hilarious (which we are!) we also love to communicate!!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


I like being referred to as "20-something." It makes me feel young. Carefree. Secure in my book-nerdiness. And not the quarter-century that I soon shall be. Hoorah.

the non-oprah book club commences

because this post says it does.