Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Time Traveler's Wife


suz said...

I love that people are writing haikus! Here's mine.

Chicago guy plagued
by chrono-displacement gene.
Hey, where'd Henry go?

suz said...

And now thanks to Angelina, TTW, the movie, will never feature those two beautiful people together (unless of course some weird Hollywood turn-around happens). So, I know this isn't book related, but since Brad & Jen are out to play Henry & Claire, who else would you like to see step in?

hannah faith said...

First of all: I could not put this book down; I got so wrapped up in the story. Jumping back and forth was such an original way to develop a plot and watch the characters' understanding of events past and future unfold...

here is my TTW haiku:


Lost in Chicago...
What hip punk band is playing?
Is this 1999?


Naked man appears
in your backyard. Could this be
your future husband?

hmb said...

hannah! i love your haiku for clare.

I LOVED THIS BOOK! i loved the character and plot development. i loved, loved, loved the scene where she brings in henry and lays him in her studio and unveils the wings. blaaah.

did anyone else feel like they were enjoying soft porn, though? i will save my haiku for another day.

C+J=S said...

My Haiku:

Wonderful story.
True, unique tale of loving.
Definitely porn.

I loved this book, it was so passionate and so intriguing. There was so much to it, I cried freely and often as I read it. Clare and Henry were so real to me. I am so glad Chris is not chrono-displaced, that would be awful. I am also glad I am not chrono-displaced. I would hate appearing naked all the time and running form horrible people. Not a fan of Katie and Tom although the age difference would work out in the beginning. How about Resse and Ryan (hehe), they could sing a pop song or two and make it a musical.