Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Cause Celeb

Written by: Helen Fielding
Contributed by: Laura

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Lisa Andreasen said...

So I had mixed fealings about this book. As I knew it was from the author of BJD I was very excited to read it. However it wasn't really what I had expected. I started a little slow and was hard to follow at times with the jumping back and forth from present to past. I also thought it would be like BJD and be a little more funny and witty than it was. However, by about the middle of the book I did feel that the plot picked up and I really did end up liking the book by the end.

hannah faith said...

There was a lot to like about this book. I got the sense when reading it that Fielding was still getting her stride as a novelist. Some parts of the book seemed to go on too long, while others could have been longer (more hot doctor, please!)

At the same time, I really appreciated that she wrote a book where the rich, self-involved chick-lit world actually came to interact with real poor people. You hardly ever see the two in the same book, and I'm impressed with her for pulling it off.

Overall I really liked the book quite a bit!