Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Suz's Haiku Challenge - Revived!

As Round Two of the Better Than Oprah Book Club gets underway, I thought I would reissue Suz's Haiku Challenge. As a refresher (and to catch up those who are just joining us) here it is:

Inspired by a book I came across while working at B&N and prompted by my own fondness for haiku, I would like to present to our little book club SUZ'S HAIKU CHALLENGE.

To refresh your memory, haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that consists of 3 lines and 17 syllables, 5-7-5. What is the challenge? Upon finishing each of your book club selections, take a few minutes (in the shower, driving to work, letting your pedicure dry, etc.) and condense that great tome down into 17 syllables. The haiku can be humorous or profound--however you feel moved. This might seem a little difficult or even a little ridiculous at first, but just think how much fun it will be to compare our haikus on each book. I've found it's also a handy way of helping yourself recall what each book was about, enabling you to sound really intelligent in social settings.

So, if you're up to the challenge (come on, it'll be fun!) please compose a haiku as you finish each selection and post it as a comment in that book's discussion forum.

Need a little inspiration? Here are some of favorites from Round One:

Life of Pi
Both boy and tiger
In the same predicament.
How will they survive?

Shadow of the Wind
Man with cigarette
Julian and sis, oh yuck
Daniel and Bea, whee!

Time Traveler's Wife
Naked man appears
in your backyard. Could this be
your future husband?


wren said...

Oh! Is the book you found at B&N _The Haiku Handbook_? I love that book!

C+J=S said...

What do you think about adding a discussion forum for Jebediah the heart-throb blacksmith? There were a few haikus that he inspired that should not be forgotten :)

suz said...

No, but I'll have to check it out. The book that inspired Suz's Haiku Challenge is "Haiku U: From Aristotle to Zola, 100 Great Books in 17 Syllables" - educational and yet silly. :)