Thursday, May 19, 2005

Per Your Request.

Okay! Guess what...our site is new and improved! Woohoo!

In order to have book discussions in the way we are, the blog is not a very helpful medium, since everything tends to lay itself out chronologically.

So--flexing my axons and dendrites of creativity, I have created a posting for every book, and made a link to each posting's permanent location on the Sidebar. Meaning--if you want to discuss a certain book, click where it says "Discuss Book" under the Title and Author on the Right Hand Side of the Page, and it will take you to the comments for that book. You can continue to post comments on this spot for the next two years without having to hunt the post up in the archive.

Make sense?

It will be assumed that clicking on "Discuss Book" means you're opening yourself up to spoiling the plot, so if you want to save the discussion until you've completed the book, that's what I'd recommend.

Any more questions or requests? Let me know.

1 comment:

suz said...

heather, this is great. thanks for working your blogging genius!