Sunday, March 13, 2005

Sunday night blues

So, you know how the weekend sometimes feels like it should be three days instead of two?? That's how I feel right now... I just got together with some delightful people, whom most of you know... Heather Carlson, Angie Qualey, Zachary Moir, and The Barretts. They are all well, I am happy to report...
Janelle, I am loving the Ya-yas... I find myself thinking about the story as if it were really going on, and I am missing something when I'm not reading it :)
I personally think we are très charmantes to have started such a thing as a book club, which is in my opinion absolument divin and très Ya-ya... :) You will appreciate all that in time.... When the Ya-yas get to you...
In the meantime, think pretty pink and blue thoughts, and have yourselves a good night...

1 comment:

C+J=S said...

Lauren- I'm so glad you are liking it, I swear it's impossible not to embrace the ya-ya's :) I'm just so excited for us all to share the experience :) I had a lot of trouble putting it down!
I will have to have you pronounce all the french for me one day, I was absolutely butchering it in my head !!